Let us consider a short example of HTTPBuilder usage. HTTPBuilder is very handy HTTP client which is built on top of Apache's HttpClient. As a sample we will use REST API provided by Glosbe. In this example we will use Gradle and start with generating Gradle project:
gradle init --type groovy-library
This command will generate for us project structure:
Now we need to add Gradle dependencies. HTTPBuilder itself and TestNG as a testing framework. After we are done, build.gradle file will look like below:
apply plugin: 'groovy' repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.6' compile group: 'org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', name: 'http-builder', version: '0.6' testCompile group: 'org.testng', name: 'testng', version: '6.9.10' }
In the example below we will translate the word "world" from English to French. To see what response looks like, you can use https://glosbe.com/gapi/translate?from=eng&dest=fr&format=json&phrase=world&pretty=true. After we receive response we will make sure that HTTP status of operation is 200, response body contains "result" : "ok" and actual translation.
import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue import org.testng.annotations.Test class AppTest { @Test void jsonTest() { def http = new HTTPBuilder('https://glosbe.com') http.get(path: '/gapi/translate', query: [ from : 'eng', dest : 'fr', format: 'json', phrase: 'world']) { resp, json -> assertEquals(resp.status, 200, "HTTP status code of response") assertTrue("ok".equalsIgnoreCase(json.result), "Result in response body is different from expected") assertTrue("monde".equalsIgnoreCase(json.tuc[0].phrase.text), "Result in response body is different from expected") } } }
That's it! Now you can see how simple it can be to work with API using HTTPBuilder and Groovy.
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